Looking for a great new family activity to get out into the world and away from the computers and gaming consoles? Metal detecting is a great family activity, there are many ways to get your kids involved and excited about history!

The obvious first tip is to metal detect parks! If they don't enjoy swinging your machine, or digging the signals they get to play on the swings! we've found that most kids are very eager to get into the historical side of metal detecting, finding old coins or relics can often intrigue the younger generation, what better way to introduce your kids to history than with a great find for the collection!

Our second tip is to go prepared and make a day of it! Bring a picnic and drinks, teach your kids to not get discouraged if your not finding things and perseverance is key to a successful metal detecting trip!

The third tip is a bit of a cheat, but bring and find something of historical significance or with an interesting background! what better way to get them excited than by starting the day with a great find full of excitement and wonder of  what the next find could possibly be.

Metal detecting with the family can be a great excuse to get outdoors and get some exercise and sunshine, while teaching some exciting lessons in history and the technology your using and it doesn't even need to be expensive! BBH carries a large selection of great priced beginner metal detectors that won't break the bank, if you would like more information, please don't hesitate to contact us and happy hunting!